At Dicksons we appreciate that sadly family life does not always run smoothly, but we can help you through the difficult times.
When the Local Authority (social services) becomes involved with your children it can be a difficult and emotional time.
The Local Authority are responsible for making sure that children are safe and are well cared for by the people looking after them. If the Local Authority receives information that concerns them, they are under a legal obligation to take action to protect the child or children. These proceedings are known as Care Proceedings. Please click here for more detailed information. It is important when faced with such issues that you take specialist legal advice.
We have a dedicated team of Care Law specialists to help guide you through these complicated issues. Each matter is dealt with by an individual fee earner so that you will know who to contact. In addition we have the benefit of a Resolution Accredited specialist in Children Law.
We can help you with:
• Pre Proceedings Meetings – If such a meeting has been arranged you will receive a letter inviting you to attend and telling you to take the letter to a solicitor immediately
• Where you have been given notice that the Local Authority intends to apply to Court for an Emergency Protection Order, Care Order, Supervision Order, Interim Care Order or Interim Supervision Order
• Where you have been given notice that the Local Authority intend to apply to Court for a Placement Order
• If you are a family member who wants to care for a child with whom the Local Authority are involved and you need advice about how to approach this
Our objective is to deal with your issues in a friendly, straightforward, no nonsense way using plain English to ensure the best outcome for you and your children.
Legal aid is always available to parents of children where the Local Authority have issued court proceedings for Care, Supervision or Emergency Protection proceedings, or sent a letter inviting you to attend a pre-proceedings meeting. This form of Legal Aid is available to you regardless of your financial circumstances.
Legal Aid may be available for other areas, such as applying to discharge an existing care / supervision order, freestanding placement proceedings and applications for contact with children in care, but would not be automatic and would depend on an assessment of your financial circumstances and the prospects of you succeeding with your applications.
We also specialise in family proceedings. For more information on this, please view our Family Proceedings page here.
- Rebecca Sykes –
- Hayley Jervis –
Rebecca and Hayley are assisted by Emma Anstey and Amy Williams
Please telephone 01782 26 24 24 for an appointment or alternatively email our team.