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  • Up to £100,000.00:
    £550.00 + VAT at 20%
  • £100,000.00 to £150,000.00:
    £610.00 + VAT at 20%
  • £150,000.01 to £200,000.00:
    £660.00 + VAT at 20%
  • £200,000.01 to £300,000.00:
    £725.00 + VAT at 20%
  • £300,000.01 to £400,000.00:
    £775.00 + VAT at 20%
  • £400,000.01 to 500,000
    £830.00 + VAT at 20%
  • £500,000.01 to 600,000
    £880.00 + VAT at 20%
  • £600,000.01 to 700,000
    £940.00 + VAT at 20%
  • £700,000.01 to 800,000
    £1,000.00 + VAT at 20%
  • Properties over 800,000
    are charged at the rate of 0.2% of the value of the transaction + VAT at 20%

Other factors could increase the cost of our service. For example:

  • if legal title is defective or part of the property is unregistered
  • if building regulations or planning permission have not been obtained
  • if crucial documents have not been provided


Stages of the process

The precise stages involved in the sale of a residential property vary according to the circumstances. They may include the following which are all included within the fee that we charge:

  • Take your instructions and give you initial advice
  • Obtain title documentation
  • Send you the usual forms relating to information about your property for you to complete
  • Draft the sale contract and submit this together with the property information forms to the buyer’s solicitors
  • Deal with any further enquiries raised by the buyer’s solicitor
  • Obtain your signatures to the contract and transfer
  • Agree a completion date for the sale
  • Exchange contracts and notify you that this has happened
  • Obtain a figure to repay your mortgage (if any)
  • Complete your sale
  • Pay the outstanding mortgage (if any) and selling agents fees (if any)
  • Account to you for the balance or apply it towards a related purchase (if any)



All disbursements will need to be paid in addition to the fees charged for our services. These are set by third parties and not by us so are outside of our control. These include the following

  • Anti money laundering searches £5.99 per seller inclusive of VAT from 01.04.25
  • Bankruptcy searches £9.00 per seller inclusive of VAT
  • Office copies £10.20 per item inclusive of VAT
  • Telegraphic transfer fee per payment £24 per recipient inclusive of VAT
  • Sellers pack if leasehold £150 to £550 inclusive of VAT

(usually provided by the landlord or management company)

Example of a sale of a residential property with a mortgage at a price of £175,000 by 2 sellers with a mortgage to repay.

Our fees                                                                                          £660.00

VAT                                                                                                   £132.00

AML x 2                                                                                          £11.98

Bankruptcy x 2                                                                             £18.00

Office copies of register and title plan                                  £16.80

TT fee x 2 (one to sellers and one to mortgagee)               £48.00

Total fees and disbursements                                                   £886.78


  • Up to £100,000.00:
    £610.00 + VAT at 20%
  • £100,000.00 to £150,000.00:
    £640.00 + VAT at 20%
  • £150,000.01 to £200,000.00:
    £685.00 + VAT at 20%
  • £200,000.01 to £300,000.00:
    £770.00 + VAT at 20%
  • £300,000.01 to £400,000.00:
    £880.00 + VAT at 20%
  • £400,000.01 to 500,000
    £935.00 + VAT at 20%
  • £500,000.01 to 600,000
    £1,100.00 + VAT at 20%
  • £600,000.01 to 700,000
    £1,210.00 + VAT at 20%
  • £700,000.01 to 800,000
    £1,320.00 + VAT at 20%
  • Properties over 800,000
    are charged at the rate of 0.2% of the value of the transaction + VAT at 20%

If a first time buyer with a help to buy ISA or lifetime ISA there will be an additional fee charged of £50 + VAT at 20% per ISA


All disbursements will need to be paid in addition to the fees charged for our services. These are set by third parties and not by us so are outside of our control. These include the following

  • Anti money laundering searches                £5.99 per seller inclusive of VAT from 01.04.25
  • Bankruptcy searches                                     £9.00 per seller inclusive of VAT
  • Telegraphic Transfer fee                               £24 per recipient inclusive of VAT
  • HM Land Registry Search                            £10.20 per title inclusive of VAT
  • Search Pack fee (which includes where  £314.11  inclusive of VAT from 01.04.25

Appropriate Local Search, Environmental

Report, Drainage Search and Mining Report

  • LMS fee (dependant on the mortgage provider) £43.20 inclusive of VAT
  • Infotrack fees for submitting HMLR and SDLT £12 inclusive of VAT
  • If leasehold, there may be a fee for notice of Transfer and/or entering a deed of covenant and a certificate of compliance ranging from £20 to £600 inclusive of VAT
  • HM Land Registry fee is dependent upon the value of the property and can be found by clicking here HM Land Registry: Registration Services fees – GOV.UK (
  • Stamp Duty Land Tax is dependent upon the value of the property and a calculator can be found by clicking here Stamp Duty Land Tax Calculator


Stages of the process

The precise stages involved in the purchase of a residential property vary according to the circumstances. They may include the following which are all included within the fee that we charge:

  • Take your instructions and give you initial advice
  • Check finances are in place to fund purchase and contact lender’s solicitors if needed
  • Receive and advise on contract documents
  • Carry out searches
  • Request further planning documentation if required
  • Make any necessary enquiries of seller’s solicitor
  • Give you advice on all documents and information received
  • Go through the conditions of your mortgage offer with you
  • Send the final contract and transfer to you for signature
  • Agree a completion date (date from which you own the property)
  • Exchange contracts and notify you that this has happened
  • Arrange for all monies needed to be received from lender and you
  • Complete your purchase
  • Deal with payment of Stamp Duty/Land Tax
  • Deal with application for registration at HM Land Registry


Example of a purchase of a residential property with a mortgage at a price of £175,000 by 2 buyers

Our fees                                                                                        £685.00

VAT                                                                                                 £137.00

AML x 2                                                                                         £11.98

Search Pack                                                                                 £314.11

Bankruptcy searches                                                                 £18.00

HMLR search                                                                                £10.20

TT fee                                                                                             £24.00

Infotrack fees                                                                              £12.00

LMS fee                                                                                        £43.20

HMLR fee                                                                                     £100.00

Total fees and disbursements                                                  £1,355.49


In relation to both sales and purchases: –

For leasehold and new build properties an additional £200 + vat at 20% will be charged

If a management company is involved an additional £200 + vat at 20% will be charged



£250 + VAT at 20% if registered property 

£350 + VAT at 20% if unregistered property 


All disbursements will need to be paid in addition to the fees charged for our services. These are set by third parties and not by us so are outside of our control. These include the following


Dicksons Solicitors offer a wide range of legal services with competitive fee structures tailored to your individual needs. Dicksons Solicitors also hold a contract with the Legal Aid Agency.

Please click on the services below for more information.