Why make a Will?
When Nancy (name changed) died aged 78 a single women with no children, brothers or sisters, her homemade Will gave £50,000 to 4 friends and 5 Charities. Her estate was actually worth nearly £200,000 and the balance of the monies had to be divided between 87 relatives who we discovered around the world. They were entitled in various shares as a result of her homemade Will having failed to dispose of all her assets. 95% of these relatives had never heard of Nancy and were amazed to receive a legacy.
Don`t let this happen to you. Make a Will but more importantly don`t try to make a homemade Will but consult a Solicitor – consult Dicksons who will give you helpful advice at a relatively modest cost.
For more Information contact: – Adele Baskerville on 01782 262424 Email: – adele.baskerville@dicksonssolicitors.co.uk
Facebook: – Send us a private message
We also offer free Wills under the Cancer Research Scheme for over 55`s. Donate to Cancer Research and make your free will today!